Frozen 2 is an animated film from the Disney studios directed by Chris Buck and Jennifer Lee, the film was released in 2019. It is the sequel to the movie Frozen, released in 2013 starring Elsa, Anna, Olaf, Kristoff and Sven. In September, in the kingdom of Arendelle, six years after the death of her parents, as she celebrates the arrival of autumn, Queen Elsa begins to hear a strange voice from the North calling her. The kingdom is attacked by elemental spirits when the Queen accidentally awakens them. With the inhabitants taken to safety, Elsa begins a new adventure with her sister Anna and their friends Kristoff, reindeer Sven and snowman Olaf. Together, in order to save the kingdom, they set off in search of the Enchanted Forest, hidden for a long time by a thick magic mist, a destination that could also help princess Elsa finally discover the origins of her powers...Print and color our new collection of Frozen 2 coloring pages with Elsa and Anna.
Find the best frozen 2 coloring pages for kids & for adults, print 🖨️ and color ✍️ 39 frozen 2 coloring pages ✏️ for free from our coloring book 📚.